CCN in the News

Why are Some Forgetting the Economic Benefits of California’s Climate Leadership?

- CoolClimate Blog, 8/13/16

Study compares carbon footprints of Bay Area communities

- San Francisco Chronicle, 1/7/16

New interactive map compares carbon footprints of Bay Area neighborhoods

- University of California, 1/6/16

Cool Campus Challenge Crowns a Winner

- University of California, 12/15/15

UC launches Cool Campus Challenge in a push toward carbon neutrality

- University of California, 10/6/15

On a plane? Enjoy the view of the planet you're killing

- Mother Jones, 6/5/15

Lower Carbon = Higher Profit

- Forbs, 4/16/15

Choachella Valley electricity use stayed flat in 2014

- The Desert Sun, 4/6/15

Big disparities in energy use across the desert

- The Desert Sun, 2/13/15

Ten cities honored for efforts by households to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

- California Air Resources Board, 10/23/14

Claremont aims to beat Riverside in CoolCalifornia City Challenge

- Daily Bulletin, 9/16/14

Statewide challenge pushes Arcata residents to conserve power, reduce emissions

- Times Standard, 8/26/14

Suburban sprawl cancels carbon footprint savings of dense urban cores

- UC Berkeley News Center, 07/14/2014

New CoolClimate Study maps carbon footprints for every U.S. zip code, city, county and state

- Environmental Science & Technology

West Valley cities leave behnd carbon footprints

- Arizona Republic, 3/21/2014

UC Berkeley researchers devise challenge for lowering carbon footprint

- Daily California, 1/26/2014

Carbon Emissions In The Suburbs Dwarf Those In Cities, Says Study (MAP)

- Huffington Post, 1/23/2014

Suburbs Wipe Out Cities' Green Initiatives

- U.S. News & World Report, 1/9/2014

Here's Why Suburban Sprawl Cancels Out The Climate Benefits Of City Living

- Think Progress, 1/7/2014

Davis takes 'CoolCalifornia' prize as cities rally to cut carbon emissions

- UC Berkeley Newscenter, 09/13/2013

Individual Matter

- Climate One, Commonweath Club 2/12/2013

Sustainability award for senior thesis on campus emissions

- UC Berkeley News Center, 10/22/2012

Chris Jones: Best ways to reduce your greenhouse gas output

- Earth Sky Interview, 06/28/2012

At UC Berkeley, a tool that measures your carbon impact

- Smart Planet, 07/20/2011 -

Like a thumb, carbon footprint is unique

- Futurity, 06/13/2011

US Gas Is Artificially Cheap: What we don't pay for at the pump

- California Watch, 06/13/2011

Carbon Footprint Fixes Vary by Location

- Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 06/11/2011

Interview with CoolClimate Calculator lead developer, Chris Jones

- Smart Planet, 04/26/2011

Carbon footprint varies by location, income

- California Watch, 04/22/2011

To Shrink Carbon Footprints, One Size Doesn't Fit All

- KQED - Wed, 04/20/2011 -

When it comes to carbon footprints, location and lifestyle matter

- UC Berkeley News Center - Mon, 04/18/2011 -

NOVA: Power Surge

- PBS, 04/18/2011 -

Where and how? New carbon footprint study show location and lifestyle matter

- Planet Save, 04/17/2011 -

Derek Jeter's Carbon Footprint

- Professor Kahn's Environmental & Urban Economics Blog, 02/27/2011

PG&E Claims Industry First with Supply Chain Footprint Project

-, 06/30/2010

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality launches Oregon Carbon Calculator

- Oregon DEQ Website, 03/01/2010 launches Carbon Calculator for California Small Businesses (beta)

-, 02/01/2010

CoolCalifornia Calculator Launched

-, 12/01/2009

Many of Nation's Green Leaders from Bay Area

- SFGate - Sun, 02/01/2009

Radio Interview: Eating Less Meat to Save the Planet

- Your Call Radio, 10/15/2008

Carbon Confessional: How to come clean about your greenhouse gasses

- Sierra Club Website, 09/01/2008

Carbon Calculator For Individuals & Counties

- Island Guardian, 3/8/08